The Essential Guide to Car Lock Picking Tools: How They Work and Which Ones to Use



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Apr 18, 2023
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Car lock picking tools are specialized tools designed to pick the locks of cars. These tools come in a variety of shapes and sizes and can be used to pick both traditional and electronic locks. In this article, we will provide an overview of the different types of car lock picking tools and how they are used.

Types of
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There are several types of car lock picking tools available on the market. Each type is designed to work with a specific type of lock, and some tools can be used on multiple lock types. Here are some of the most common types of car lock picking tools:

    Lock picks: These are the most common type of car lock picking tools. Lock picks come in a variety of shapes and sizes and are used to manipulate the pins inside a lock. There are several different types of lock picks, including hook picks, diamond picks, and rake picks.
    Tension wrenches: Tension wrenches are used to apply tension to the lock cylinder while the lock pick is being used to manipulate the pins. This tension helps to hold the pins in place while the lock is being picked.
    Key extractors: Key extractors are used to remove broken keys from locks. They are particularly useful when a key has broken off inside a lock and needs to be removed before the lock can be picked.
    Electric lock picks: Electric lock picks are battery-powered tools that are used to pick electronic locks. These tools use a small motor to vibrate the pins inside the lock, making it easier to pick the lock.
    Impressioning tools: Impressioning tools are used to create a copy of a key by making an impression of the key inside the lock. This technique is particularly useful when the original key has been lost or stolen.

How Car Lock Picking Tools are Used
Car lock picking tools are used to pick the locks of cars in a variety of situations. Here are some common scenarios where car lock picking tools might be used:

    Emergency situations: Car lock picking tools can be used to gain access to a locked car in emergency situations, such as when a child is locked inside the car.
    Lockouts: Car lock picking tools can be used by locksmiths and other professionals to open cars when the owner has locked themselves out.
    Law enforcement: Car lock picking tools can be used by law enforcement to gain access to a car when a suspect is not cooperating.
    Security testing: Car lock picking tools can be used to test the security of locks and identify weaknesses that could be exploited by thieves.

Legal Considerations
While car lock picking tools can be useful in certain situations, it is important to be aware of the legal implications of using these tools. In many jurisdictions, using car lock picking tools without the owner's consent is illegal and could result in criminal charges. It is important to ensure that car lock picking tools are only used in legal and ethical ways.

Car lock picking tools are specialized tools designed to pick the locks of cars. There are several types of car lock picking tools available, including lock picks, tension wrenches, key extractors, electric lock picks, and impressioning tools. These tools can be used in a variety of situations, including emergencies, lockouts, law enforcement, and security testing. However, it is important to be aware of the legal implications of using car lock picking tools and to ensure that they are only used in legal and ethical ways.

You’ll find tubular and circular lock pick sets and other versatile lock-picking supplies among our professional lock pick sets.
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offer a full range of set sizes, pick handle styles, and cases, and each tool features US stainless steel and extensive finishing processes. Additionally, all our professional key lock picking kits come with a beautifully designed leather case to protect and store your supplies. Whether you’re a beginner or a professional locksmith, is a name you can trust for your lock picks. Browse our selection to find the lock picking kit for your needs.